the boxers just feel like boxers, and the bikini briefs feel good but are a bit of a pain to go to the bathroom with because they have no flap to use, but they feel great. but the thongs, I dont know why it has been hidden from us, they are extremely comfortable and my girlfriend thinks they are hot, if you read this and think its not for you then ok its not for you then, but if you want some, you can go to your local kmart and they have some male thongs there, or you can go online and find many different kinds. Anything from novelty, to everyday use. one of my favorite brands is the "cocksox"
they are based in australia and have a special material they make it out of and they somehow lift up your package for a nice bulge in your pants without being weird looking. they feel amazing to wear with shorts, jeans, or just by themselves if your at home obviously